Bronze Cafe


Our restaurant provides proper options for our vegan and vegetarian customers. We don’t just offer a few side dishes to make you a mismatched meal. We offer full servings with vegan ingredients and vegetarian meals. The Bronze Cafe offers hot and cold teas and coffees with the option to have them made with soy milk and smoothies too. Our restaurant provides a fresh, from scratch approach to quick and healthful dining.

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401 S Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV 89101, USA
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Our restaurant provides proper options for our vegan and vegetarian customers. We don’t just offer a few side dishes to make you a mismatched meal. We offer full servings with vegan ingredients and vegetarian meals. The Bronze Cafe offers hot and cold teas and coffees with the option to have them made with soy milk and smoothies too. Our restaurant provides a fresh, from scratch approach to quick and healthful dining.


Complete the form below for a FREE pickup and return to the strip with a $50 purchase!!! TAXES INCLUDED IN PRICE!

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